Thursday, July 28, 2011


Technically not today, but on the way to today, really loved the Volla (VW BEETLE) in the front.. make a note, stop look at sunsets, appreciate them, you wont see the same one again. sunrises are a totally different kettle of fish for most of you... for me .. just part of the daily commute .. for those who it forms part of your daily routine, always take a few seconds and enjoy them, bla bla fish paste you may say, but now having moved to another space on this planet there are things i wont see again or very seldom, appreciate them and at least document them in your brain..

Wellington early morning view pic 2

Wellington early morning view pic 2

you may ask pic 1b

Why the first pic, it is neither good or Bad. It just is a pic and it shows a portion of wellington I have walked past many times and have never noticed this ornate doorway.  So this is part of what this is all about, it is about seeing things i have never seen before or have been blind to. In the background you will notice an elaborate piece of metal work, this is some architectural detail that was added to the courthouse just outside of my office and after nearly a year of seeing it outside my window I never noticed the inlayer detail . It just happened to be that at that point from a specific angle i saw the red detail shining through. I am just giving celebration to things we see every day, walk past and never appreciate.

Below is a "picture"/"photograph", where does the line in the sand lie? where does art and photography end, where does the line between technical ability or trickery and art start and end, I post this and let you decide. This would then in fact be pic1b technically ;-)

then in the same vein below is another "projection" of soemthign our eye sees but a camera (normal) cannot capture? Is this photography?

Oh well who knows ;-) It is all in the eye of the ... well it cannot be the beholder can it ;-)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What this is all about

This is indulgent, yes of the self notion. It is random, yes very random pics I will attempt my very ebst to post at least one a day for a year either via my mobile or otherwise.

Not for any specific reason, no not the normal 365 callenges, well i suppose someone has done it before in this derivation, but to rather show something i saw every day. It is not meant to be artistic, it is just meant to be expressive.

I hope you enjoy the pics

Pic 1

Pic 1 by vogon M
Pic 1, a photo by vogon M on Flickr.

Pic 1